Monday, March 05, 2007


closed market and useless people

I recently had a rather heated discussion with a patrolman from 35th St. For the sake of simplifying my writing I will refer to the patrolman as she. You all can draw your own conclusions as to the sex of this person although I think the attitude displayed is equal prevalent from those working inside.
The discussion started with her proudly declaring that when assigned to closed market the watch commander in xxx assigned her to a fixed post in the projects. She refused this assignment and told the WC that wasn’t her purpose in being sent to the district. Her purpose was to sit at dope spots, that is it. Now why the watch commander didn’t send her home and cite her for insubordination or refusing an order I don’t know I would have. (That’s a problem for another post.) When a secretary out of 35th St does whatever she wants then something is very wrong. This useless person then was offended when I had the audacity to suggest that she quit since it was obvious that she was not and had no desire to be the police, needless to say the conversation digressed from there.
The fact that we have many sworn personnel functioning as secretaries says a lot , mostly that we have a lot of personnel that are useless. For the next superintendent you want to improve morale? You want to man the empty cars? Then bring in AFSCME.
There should be no person working in 35th St wearing a pistol unless they are exempt . There is no reason that we have sworn secretaries in the numbers we do. I can understand the need for 1 in the front office and maybe 1 or 2 for each command down there but the fact is when 80 can be dumped back to the districts and that won’t even cause a glitch in the idiocy down there says how bloated it is. Granted the 80 returned to the districts will be useless except as cannon fodder filling the empty patrol cars but even cannon fodder served a propose.
The purpose of closed market was to keep you as an inside person in touch with being the police but then again you probably never were one in the first place so it would be difficult for you to be in touch with being the police. Do us all a favor and quit since I am sure when your useless ass gets dumped from your office job because your squeeze found a younger piece of ass, your first day in patrol you will slip and twist your ankle maybe banging your head causing blurred vision etc. and then instead of being useless behind a desk you can be useless IOD tax free. (blurred vision being the current favorite for medical abuse replacing the old soft tissue damage).


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